Corelli, Marie
- Ardath: The Story of a Dead Self
- Boy: A Sketch
- A Christmas greeting
- The Devil's Motor: A Fantasy
- Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct
- God's Good Man: A Simple Love Story
- Innocent : her fancy and his fact
- The Life Everlasting: A Reality of Romance
- Love,—and the Philosopher: A Study in Sentiment
- The Master-Christian
- My "Little Bit"
- The passing of the great Queen: A tribute to the noble life of Victoria Regina
- A Romance of Two Worlds: A Novel
- The Secret Power
- The Silver Domino; Or, Side Whispers, Social and Literary
- The Sorrows of Satan or, The Strange Experience of One Geoffrey Tempest, Millionaire: A Romance
- The soul of Lilith
- The Strange Visitation
- Temporal Power: A Study in Supremacy
- Thelma
- The Treasure of Heaven: A Romance of Riches
- Vendetta: A Story of One Forgotten
- The Young Diana: An Experiment of the Future
- Ziska: The Problem of a Wicked Soul