Dixon, Thomas, Jr.
- The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan
- Comrades: A Story of Social Adventure in California
- The Fall of a NationA Sequel to the Birth of a Nation
- The Foolish Virgin
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Thomas Dixon
- The Leopard's Spots: A Romance of the White Man's Burden—1865-1900
- The Man in Gray: A Romance of North and South
- A Man of the People: A Drama of Abraham Lincoln
- The One Woman: A Story of Modern Utopia
- The Root of Evil
- The Sins of the Father: A Romance of the South
- The Southerner: A Romance of the Real Lincoln
- The Traitor: A Story of the Fall of the Invisible Empire
- The Victim: A Romance of the Real Jefferson Davis