Fenn, George Manville
- The Adventures of Don Lavington: Nolens Volens
- Adventures of Working Men. From the Notebook of a Working Surgeon
- The Bag of Diamonds
- Begumbagh: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny
- The Black Bar
- The Black Tor: A Tale of the Reign of James the First
- Blind Policy
- Blue Jackets: The Log of the Teaser
- Brave and TrueShort stories for children by G. M. Fenn and Others
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- Cutlass and Cudgel
- The Dark House: A Knot Unravelled
- A Dash from Diamond City
- Dead Man's Land Being the Voyage to Zimbambangwe of certain and uncertain blacks and whites
- Devon Boys: A Tale of the North Shore
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- Thereby Hangs a Tale. Volume One
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- Three Boys; Or, The Chiefs of the Clan Mackhai
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- Will of the Mill
- Witness to the Deed
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