Hoare, Edward
The Atonement, as taught by the Church of England: A Sermon
Baptism as taught in the Bible and the Prayer Book
The Believer Not Ashamed of the Gospel
The Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Francis Cunningham
The Breadth, Freeness, and Yet Exclusiveness of the Gospel
The Christian Mother; or, Notes for Mothers' Meetings
Clerical Subscription and the Act of Uniformity
The Coming NightA Sermon Preached in Cromer Church, on Friday, June 12, 1857, on occasion of the death of Anna Gurney
The Communion and Communicant
Conformity to the World
The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper. As Taught by the Church of England
Edward Hoare, M.A.: A record of his life based upon a brief autobiography
England's Stewardship
The Substance of a Sermon Preached on the Fast-Day, in Trinity Church, Tunbridge Wells
The faithful servant
A sermon, preached in St. Peter's, Southborough, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Stephen Langston
Inspiration: Its Nature and Extent
The Jesuits
The Jesuits
A correspondence relative to a lecture so entitled, recently delivered before the Islington Protestant Institute by the Rev. Edward Hoare, M.A., incumbent of Christ Church, Ramsgate
Memorials of Francis Storr: Sermons
Multiplied Blessings: Eighteen Short Readings
The New Departure; Or, Thoughts for Loyal Churchmen
"Nothing Between"
The Special Doctrines Vindicated at the Reformation as Bearing upon the Spiritual Life of the Church
Popery: The Accommodation of Christianity to the Natural Heart
The Proportions of Truth
Rome and Turkey in Connexion with the Second Advent
Rome, Turkey and Jerusalem
Rome, Turkey, and Jerusalem
A Sermon Preached in York Minister, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Friday, August 24, 1877
on the Occasion of the Consecration of the Right Rev. Rowley Hill, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man
Sermons for the Day
Sermons on the Scriptural Principles of our Protestant Church
The Time of the Endor, the World, the Visible Church, and the People of God at the Advent of the Lord
Two Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Nonington, Kent, January 17, 1864being the Sunday following the Funeral of John Pemberton Plumptre, Esq.
The Two Treaties; or, Hope for Jerusalem
Witnesses to Truth