Hutcheson, John C. (John Conroy)
- Afloat at Last: A Sailor Boy's Log of His Life at Sea
- Bob Strong's HolidaysAdrift in the Channel
- Caught in a Trap
- Crown and AnchorUnder the Pen'ant
- Fritz and EricThe Brother Crusoes
- The Ghost Ship: A Mystery of the Sea
- The Island Treasure
- On Board the EsmeraldaMartin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
- The Penang Pirateand, The Lost Pinnace
- Picked up at SeaThe Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
- She and I, Volume 1 A Love Story. A Life History.
- She and I, Volume 2A Love Story. A Life History.
- TeddyThe Story of a Little Pickle
- Tom Finch's Monkeyand How he Dined with the Admiral
- The White Squall: A Story of the Sargasso Sea
- The Wreck of the Nancy Bell; Or, Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
- Young Tom BowlingThe Boys of the British Navy