King, Charles
- An Apache Princess: A Tale of the Indian Frontier
- Cadet Days: A Story of West Point
- Campaigning with Crook, and Stories of Army Life
- A Daughter of the Sioux: A Tale of the Indian frontier
- The Deserter
- Foes in Ambush
- Found in the Philippines: The Story of a Woman's Letters
- From School to Battle-field: A Story of the War Days
- From the Ranks
- Kitty's Conquest
- Lanier of the Cavalry; or, A Week's Arrest
- "Laramie;" Or, The Queen of Bedlam. A Story of the Sioux War of 1876
- Marion's Faith.
- Rancho Del Muerto, and Other Stories of Adventure by Various Authors, from "Outing"
- Ray's Daughter: A Story of Manila
- A Soldier's Trial: An Episode of the Canteen Crusade
- Starlight Ranch, and Other Stories of Army Life on the Frontier
- Sunset Pass; or, Running the Gauntlet Through Apache Land
- A Tame Surrender, A Story of The Chicago Strike
- Tonio, Son of the Sierras: A Story of the Apache War
- To the Front: A Sequel to Cadet Days
- A Trooper Galahad
- Trumpeter Fred: A Story of the Plains
- Under Fire
- Waring's Peril
- Warrior Gap: A Story of the Sioux Outbreak of '68.
- A War-Time Wooing: A Story
- A Wounded Name