Morley, Christopher
- Chimneysmoke
- The Haunted Bookshop
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Christopher Morley
- In the Sweet Dry and Dry
- Kathleen
- Mince Pie
- Parnassus on Wheels
- Pipefuls
- Plum Pudding: Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned
- The Powder of Sympathy
- Religio Journalistici
- Shandygaff A number of most agreeable Inquirendoes upon Life & Letters, interspersed with Short Stories & Skits, the whole most Diverting to the Reader
- Songs for a Little House
- Tales from a Rolltop Desk
- Thunder on the left
- Thursday Evening: A Comedy in One Act
- Where the Blue Begins