Nourse, Alan Edward
- Bear Trap
- The Brain Sinner
- Bramble Bush
- Brightside Crossing
- Circus
- The Coffin Cure
- Consignment
- Contamination Crew
- The Dark Door
- Derelict
- The Fifty-Fourth of July
- Gold in the Sky
- Heir Apparent
- Image of the Gods
- Infinite Intruder
- Journey for the Brave
- Letter of the Law
- The Link
- A Man Obsessed
- Marley's Chain
- Martyr
- Meeting of the Board
- My Friend Bobby
- The Native Soil
- An Ounce of Cure
- Peacemaker
- Prime Difference
- PRoblem
- Rx
- Second Sight
- Sixty-Year Extension
- Star Surgeon
- Wanderlust