Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
- The Affair at the Inn
- The Birds' Christmas Carol
- The Birds' Christmas Carol
- Bluebeard; a musical fantasy
- A Cathedral Courtship
- A Cathedral Courtship
- Children's Rights: A Book of Nursery Logic
- The Diary of a Goose Girl
- The Flag-Raising
- Froebel's Gifts
- The Girl and the KingdomLearning to Teach
- The Girl Scouts: A Training School for Womanhood
- Half-A-Dozen Housekeepers: A Story for Girls in Half-A-Dozen Chapters
- Homespun Tales
- Ladies-In-Waiting
- Marm Lisa
- Mother Carey's Chickens
- New Chronicles of Rebecca
- The Old Peabody Pew: A Christmas Romance of a Country Church
- Penelope's English Experiences Being Extracts from the Commonplace Book of Penelope Hamilton
- Penelope's Experiences in Scotland Being Extracts from the Commonplace Book of Penelope Hamilton
- Penelope's Irish Experiences
- Penelope's Postscripts
- Penelope's ProgressBeing Such Extracts from the Commonplace Book of Penelope Hamilton As Relate to Her Experiences in Scotland
- Polly Oliver's Problem
- The privilege of pain
- The quilt of happiness; Creeping Jenny; and other New England stories
- Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
- Robinetta
- The Romance of a Christmas Card
- Rose o' the River
- The Story Hour: A Book for the Home and the Kindergarten
- The Story of Patsy
- The Story of Waitstill Baxter
- A Summer in a Canyon: A California Story
- Susanna and Sue
- Timothy's QuestA Story for Anybody, Young or Old, Who Cares to Read It
- A Village Stradivarius
- The Village Watch-Tower