Le Gallienne, Richard
- The Book-Bills of NarcissusAn Account Rendered by Richard Le Gallienne
- English Poems
- The Gilded Man: A Romance of the Andes
- A Jongleur StrayedVerses on Love and Other Matters Sacred and Profane
- Little Dinners With the Sphinx, and Other Prose Fancies
- The Lonely Dancer and Other Poems
- The Maker of Rainbows, and Other Fairy-tales and Fables
- October Vagabonds
- Old Love Stories Retold
- Pieces of Eight Being the Authentic Narrative of a Treasure Discovered in the Bahama Islands in the Year 1903
- Prose Fancies
- Prose Fancies (Second Series)
- The Quest of the Golden Girl: A Romance
- Robert Louis Stevenson, an Elegy; and Other Poems
- The Romance of Zion Chapel [3d ed.]
- The Silk-Hat Soldier, and Other Poems in War Time
- Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
- The Worshipper of the Image
- Young Lives