Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
- Aaron Rodd, Diviner
- Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat
- An Amiable Charlatan
- Anna the Adventuress
- The Avenger
- Berenice
- The Betrayal
- The Black Box
- The Box with Broken Seals
- The Cinema Murder
- The Devil's Paw
- The Double Four
- The Double Life Of Mr. Alfred Burton
- The Double Traitor
- The Evil Shepherd
- False Evidence
- The Golden Web
- The Governors
- The Great Impersonation
- The Great Prince Shan
- The Great Secret
- Havoc
- The Hillman
- The Illustrious Prince
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jeanne of the Marshes
- The Kingdom of the Blind
- The Lighted Way
- The Lost Ambassador; Or, The Search For The Missing Delora
- A Lost Leader
- A Maker of History
- The Malefactor
- The Master Mummer
- Master of Men
- A Millionaire of Yesterday
- The Mischief-Maker
- The Missioner
- A Monk of Cruta
- The Moving Finger
- Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo
- Mr. Marx's Secret
- Mysterious Mr. Sabin
- The New Tenant
- Nobody's Man
- The Pawns Count
- A People's Man
- Peter Ruff and the Double Four
- A Prince of Sinners
- The Profiteers
- The Seven Conundrums
- Stolen Idols
- The Survivor
- The Tempting of Tavernake
- To Win the Love He SoughtThe Great Awakening: Volume 3
- The Traitors
- The Vanished Messenger
- The Wicked Marquis
- The Yellow Crayon
- The Yellow House; Master of Men
- The Zeppelin's Passenger